Exercise the Unexpected |
Train, Maintain, Retain
Scenario based discussion exercises for leadership and capability development |

In a rapidly changing, complex world, people need to continuously evolve their skills and knowledge to meet new workplace challenges.
Impact Challenges provide on-line tools to exercise and evaluate organisational crisis resilience.
Individual stakeholders and small teams are given planned and no-notice short-form scenario based challenges which they respond to with situation analysis and decision making for evaluation and review as the scenario unfolds. The challenges stimulate resilient thinking and by sharing responses with peers, allow a continuous assessment of capability, workplace learning and knowledge transfer.
Challenges improve the link between formal training programs which develop core skills and the on-going application of those skills across a range of work settings. By regularly applying skills in a variety of work situations, people improve knowledge retention and, more importantly, evolve those skills through a process of continuous adaptation.
Impact Challenges provide on-line tools to exercise and evaluate organisational crisis resilience.
Individual stakeholders and small teams are given planned and no-notice short-form scenario based challenges which they respond to with situation analysis and decision making for evaluation and review as the scenario unfolds. The challenges stimulate resilient thinking and by sharing responses with peers, allow a continuous assessment of capability, workplace learning and knowledge transfer.
Challenges improve the link between formal training programs which develop core skills and the on-going application of those skills across a range of work settings. By regularly applying skills in a variety of work situations, people improve knowledge retention and, more importantly, evolve those skills through a process of continuous adaptation.
Make an Impact...
Challenge your clients
For coaches, mentors and learning and development services providers Challenge your industry For professional associations, communities of practice, special interest groups and industry associations Challenge your students For educational institutions Challenge your staff For internal organisational development teams, committees and business units |
Challenge your skills
For development, application and retention of competencies and training Challenge your knowledge For compliance and assurance and currency of capability Challenge your assumptions For scenario planning, assessments, project and risk reviews Challenge yourself For personal development |